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Own a wood stove? Here is what you need to know

Are you a new wood stove owner?  Or maybe you moved into a home that has an existing wood stove?  Owning and operating a wood burning stove or fireplace has its perks and comfort, but these helpful hints will make sure you are getting the most out of your stove, and that its properly maintained.

Soft wood vs hard wood:

It makes a big difference!  Although softwood will light quickly, and put off a good flame it will not last or put off the heat that hard wood can produce.  Choose hard, dense woods like maple and of for high-heat fires in the depths of winter.  Save any softwoods for fall and spring fires.


Its important to keep the area around you fireplace clean and keep objects away from your fireplace.  If you have a free standing fireplace, check the ULC plate on the back of the stove to find information regarding how far flammable objects should be kept away from the stove.  If possible chop your wood outside so you end up with less mess inside.

Seasoned Wood:

Its best to season (store) wood for about two years before burning.  Wood can be stored outside with a tarp over the top of the pile so air can circulate through the wood.  After approximately 12 months the wood can be stored indoors or in a covered area.  Its important to never burn wet, or “green” wood in your fireplace as it will be difficult to light, and will lead to additional creosote build up.  If you buy wood, make sure it’s been dried properly.  Ideal moisture content for stove wood is around 15 percent.

Store Your Wood:

Firewood should always be kept as dry as possible.  After your wood has been seasoned it can be brought indoors.  Its also important to not store too much wood indoors as it could lead to mold and moisture that will affect your indoor air quality.  If you continue to store your wood outside, make sure its kept off the ground in a covered area.  Properly piling wood will ensure good air circulation and it makes it easier when you need to carry a bundle of wood to your fireplace.

Owning a wood stove

Do you have questions about wood stoves and insurance?  Contact Kawartha Quotes today to talk to one of our licensee insurance brokers to answer your questions.  We have licensed WETT inspectors on staff to make sure your wood burning stove and fireplaces are install and operating correctly, and to make sure you have the right coverage for your home and cottage insurance policy.

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